I have been meaning to do a write up of this website for a long time now. I have left this blog to the dust and realized that all of you are probably wondering what my life is up to. Well wait no more!
I wanted some spare money on the side because you know having a family with a small child makes it hard to get spare money to do fun things. I swear I watch my paychecks just disappear into nothing in a matter of minutes. So My wife and I have been supplementing it for the past couple of years with www.Swagbucks.com
This isn't a paid promotion, this isn't a gimmick. This is mostly just trying to get people the information so you can all benefit from this too. Some of the information I have collected from www.reddit.com and have been using it to try and buy myself the new Nintendo Switch console! Probably need about $300 for that little guy, so might as well try and get it for free right?
Here is some of the basics of the site.
First it is free
Second it gives you the money back for seeing their ad placement. I don't pay for cable and I use ad blockers almost everywhere. That means I don't see ads when I don't want to. I get paid to see them. That is the point of swagbucks. I get the money back for the ads that could be shoved down my throat already. might as well earn off it right?
Okay to get started is easy just sign up under the following link
If you are looking for a non referral you can go directly to www.swagbucks.com and click signup. Attach it to your Facebook and find more friends. It's a super easy site to get setup with, now comes the tricky part. How do I earn?
I am going to tap into my reddit friends for this one. Original Author is Garwald
Swagbucks Guide 2016. Accurate as of November 1, 2016.
I will be giving a detailed guide, of the popular earning site Swagbucks.
This will be for the newbies who want to join in on the free giftcards, and for the veterans who are looking to maximize their earnings with minimal effort. Swagbucks points are called "SB" and will be used throughout the guide. As an example: 500 SB gets you a $5 giftcard.
I try to keep this as up-to-date as possible. If you notice something isn't, please let me know.
Regardless of how you sign up remember to enter sign up code "RSWAGBUCKS" for 70 free SB.
Starting off:
1.Use the Sign up code “RSWAGBUCKS” which is optional, but it will give you 70 free SB.
- The box to type this in doesn't show up unless you click “I have a sign up code (optional)” which is under the “Confirm Password” Box.
2.Just signing up will give you 4 SB. Now complete your profile, learn how you earn and Discover your rewards. That will give you 32 SB. This part is pretty self-explanatory. You can skip the tour, this rewards no SB.
3.Make sure to go to verify your account through your email, sooner is better than later.
4.Hover over “Answer" on the Swagbucks Bar at the top of the screen. Click on Surveys. Fill out the info to give you surveys better targeted toward you. Earn 1 SB for entering your age/gender and 1 SB for entering your birthday. Earn 2 SB for every 10 Survey Profile questions you answer (these are found on the right side of the screen).
6.Make sure to Turn on Daily Goals on the left. This is important for free passive SB. More on this later.
TO DO LIST: ~ 240 SB minimum per month - Complete 6 of 7 items to earn Bonus SB (1-4 SB).
Must be completed by clicking through each item under the "TO DO LIST"
2.Daily Crave- 1 SB, Wait for it to check off, then click whether you like it or not
3.Daily Search- 0 SB, potential search reward, Search to check this off the Daily List.
4.Daily Watch- 1-3SB vary, depends on which playlist you watch.
5.Daily Discover- SB vary, depends on which discover offer you complete. (Suggest trying ones that are posted)
6.Daily Answer- 1 SB minimum, attempt a survey or complete one.
7.Deal of the Day- SB and offer change daily.
Daily: Not part of the "TO DO LIST" ~ 300 SB per month
Play- 10 SB, Score is irrelevant, lose and repeat.
Mobile Dailies (6 apps, 60 SB + Extra): SBTV, Entertainow, Moviecli.ps, Sport.ly, Indymusic.tv and Lifestylz.tv
NEW: Chance at earning bonus SB past the normal daily limit!
- You get 2 SB per 5 videos watched. Go to the “Home and Garden” category. Favorite “10 Sec Tip-Grass Stains or any "10 Second Tip" video by holding down on the video then selecting "Add to Favorites". Let these videos auto-run by watching them from your “Favorites.” This will take about an hour. You will know you have reached the maximum amount for the day when “You reached today's earning limit. Please keep watching!" shows up. You can now watch longer for a chance to earn bonus SB past the normal 36 SB limit.
- This app works the same as the previous, however it pays 2 SB per 15 videos watched. The shortest videos are under the category “Tv Spots.” I favorited “Touch.” This is the only one you will want to favorite since it is the shortest. Go to your “Favorites” and watch these till you reach the Daily limit or watch longer for a chance to earn bonus SB past the normal 10 SB limit.
- It pays 2 SB per 15 videos watched. The shortest video is "The Other Woman" (with the hat) at 25s. Go to "Favorites" and watch until you reach the limit or watch longer for a chance to earn bonus SB past the normal 10 SB limit.
- It pays 2 SB per 15 videos watched. The shortest video is "Joey Medina: Father Role Model" at 14 seconds. Go to "Favorites" and watch until you reach the limit or watch longer for a chance to earn bonus SB past the normal 10 SB limit.
- It pays 2 SB per 15 videos watched. The shortest video is "Dan Curry: Leper Hockey Game" under the Rock section at 14 seconds. Go to "Favorites" and watch until you reach the limit or watch longer for a chance to earn bonus SB past the normal 10 SB limit.
- It pays 2 SB per 15 videos watched. The shortest video is "10 Sec Tips - Grass Stain Removal" under the "Garden" Channel. Go to "Favorites" and watch until you reach the limit or watch longer for a chance to earn bonus SB past the normal 10 SB limit.
Can't find the shortest video? Check through THIS LIST for the next shortest. The videos cycle, so make sure to check back later to see if there is a shorter one.
Passive Swagbucks: (Now this is Awesome!)
So you know all of those things that you already do above? Look over at the Daily Goal Section on the left above the “To Do List.”
1.If you reach the Daily goal (which can normally be reached solely through the apps) you will get bonus SB and it will count towards your “Winning Streaks.”
2.The Second goal or “Total Goal” gives you more bonus SB, but does not have to be reached in order to count toward your “Winning Streaks.”
3.Winning Streaks:
Meet Daily Goal 7 days in a row.............. 25 SB Bonus
Meet Daily Goal 14 days in a row............ 100 SB bonus
Meet Daily Goal 21 days in a row............ 200 SB bonus
Meet Daily Goal every day in the month... 300 SB Bonus
4.Passive Earning Calculations for Goal One for a month (m):
Reaching Goal One of the Daily Goal......... 90 SB/m
Meeting Goal One every day for month..... 300 SB/m
Referral SB............................................. ??? SB/m
Complete passive amount....................... 390 SB/m
4.5Passive Earning Calculations for Total Goal for a month (m):
Reaching Total Goal of Daily Goal............. ~482 SB/m
Meeting Total Goal every day for m.......... 300 SB/m
Referral SB............................................. ???? SB/m
Complete passive amount....................... =782 SB/m
5.Notes about Passive earnings:
SB from Daily Goal and Winning Streaks are paid out on the 5th of every month, referral SB's are paid out as they're earned.
Daily Goal rewards increase over time the more you complete it and the more SB you earn per day.
Occasionals/free time:
1.Swag Codes- usually around 2-4 SB which are posted on their social media sites. Codes are posted automatically on
/r/swagbucks by our
2.“Earn 2 Swag Bucks” offers that are sent to your SB Inbox. Some can be watched 2 or 3 times each.
Encrave: Auto watches videos for you. Found through Discover tab->Encrave->One of the boxes with the Replay symbol in the corner. Click the Discovery Mode button so there is a check mark to auto play.
You may have to "unlock" the Encrave videos each day by doing 2-3 of the Encrave articles first.
- Tip: Use this when watching youtube/Netflix/Tv or whenever you are AFK
Take A Discovery Break: 2 SB, located on the frontpage. Watch videos, anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Great to do while earning from Encrave or while doing nGage.
nGage: 2 SB, located on the frontpage. Watch videos, extremely similar to "Take A Discovery Break." Great to do with Encrave and "Take a Discovery Break."
Read: Temporarily unavailable as it's being improved.
8.Yaysave.com offer: 1 SB, located on front page. Simply click and check out this week's special offers to earn.
I promise this site is worth it, I have earned almost 800 bucks (proof)
just from doing this stuff over the past couple of years. Printing coupons, using it when you make purchases on affiliated sites, and of course running the mobile apps. Have questions? Feel free to get in touch with me and I will help you out.